These Signs Are Not Good

Something as fundamental as paying teachers’ and civil servants’ salaries is being neglected. The possibility that a government succeeds if it doesn’t meet the needs of its people is very slim. What if we start to cut down on wasteful spending? What if someone can send a caveat to the “Country Giant” to cut down on his unnecessary travels? Continue Reading


Protest, a Form of Expression

Protest is a form of expression, protected by the constitution. Let those who can, express in all necessary manners. Let those who have mouths speak. Let those who have ears, hear. Let those who have power act, for the betterment of the people. Let those that love Liberia, prove it. Continue Reading


A Sister Unheard

He took away fragments of her soul with every plunge.

She spoke up, but no one ever tried to listen.

Moment after moment of no one lending an ear to her plea, it continued on and on;

So… she just gave up on mentioning it. Continue Reading