Women's Bodies & The Patriarchy

“The Patriarchy, the societal structure marked by the supremacy of ‘man’. This system has become a trope, a bogeyman, and a taboo utterance that women, feminists included, shy away from so as to not be labelled as ‘crazy.'” –Shari Raji Continue Reading


Your Life Is Not Only Yours

As the driver apologized and tried  to free the way, two guys walked over to our driver’s side of the car and started raining insults on him: “stupid driver, la you wrong (you are the one who is wrong), get your stupid seh (self) from here.” Our driver started to argue with the guys. At this point, we were all completely focused on our driver’s side of the car. Our attention was interrupted when I felt someone attempting to grab my phone from my hands through the opposite side of the vehicle. Continue Reading