Love is Easy, People are Difficult

Love is easy and people are difficult. The complexity of human nature will sabotage our own happiness and restrict the flow of love in our lives, to what extent love is given and received. To love is to be vulnerable, which can mean being bare, breaking down the walls we’ve built over the years to protect our hearts. Continue Reading


Friendship - A Forgotten Source

When I was younger, I was told by a few people that I wouldn’t be able to keep a man. As a sort of insult – a warning that I would be miserable if I didn’t begin to view marriage to a man as the pinnacle of my life’s achievements. It had an adverse reaction and I was determined to find joy everywhere outside of the relationships I kept with men. Continue Reading


TLTG – The Love They Give 

They are the best Liberians I’ve ever met. One could find in them a mother, a child, a sister, a friend, a best friend, a player, a cheater, a teacher, a student, a hero or a villain; knowledgeable and experienced, doctors of minds and souls, children of good and bad, children of sun and moon, kids of experiences and lessons. Their future is beyond what the normal eyes can see. Continue Reading