
Months before my mouth was confident enough to call your attention,

Watching you be you was a constant addiction.

I was not brave enough, just yet

To explore my curiosity 

In my head though, you and I were the best addition 

Every time I saw you walking with or talking to someone else

I’d wish I was Heaven’s mathematician to do constant division

In your presence, my words faded

My shyness crippled my desires and motivation.  Continue Reading


Saying I love You

I don’t think love has lost its meaning, but saying it has 

Now the expression has little substance cuz of how almost everyone who says it act

Thereby leaving doubts about the authenticity of the words they once spewed 

And because love has morphed the stomach’s butterflies into dragonflies,

Every time a person says “I love you” there’s this pinch in me,

Reminding you that these words are poisonous and shouldn’t be allowed in me Continue Reading