Examining the Congau/Congoe - Indigeneous/Country Divide

Nepotism and familial favors can be found in many parts of Liberia, classism seems to be the bigger divide than ethnocentrism in many people’s eyes. Classism is intertwined in Liberia’s history and it will not go away overnight. The ideals that “the closer to civilized you are, the ‘better’ you are” is leftover from Liberia’s former time. A time that has not yet been properly addressed in the right context with all its nuances. All those years ago, we set something in motion that has not been addressed. This divide is a part of Liberia’s reconciliation and rehabilitation story. Continue Reading


Let’s Talk About Liberia’s History of Classism & Elitism

It has been refreshing to see Liberians participating in current political conversations about racism, sexism and other systems of oppression, and I feel that now is a good time to bring the conversation closer to home. We may not experience racism like Blacks in the diaspora, but we participate in various oppressive systems that hinder the collective healing and growth of our society like classism, nepotism and elitism. Continue Reading


Dating Yourself

A friend of mine once asked me, “What do I do when she doesn’t have a certain characteristic or feature that I want in a girl?” My response was this: let’s assume what you want out of a person are attributes amounting to a rating of 5. Place those attributes in an order of importance. For example, he/she should be caring, a good communicator, independent or striving towards independence, attractive, open-minded. Now, ask yourself which of these attributes you can and can not coexist with. Continue Reading

Essentials for an Effective National COVID-19 Response

The extent to which citizens will adhere to these measures will greatly depend on the extent to which their livelihoods are affected. We know this from our experiences during the years of war,when people are hungry, they get angry and will overcome any “obstacles” in order to secure their daily bread, even if said “obstacle” is a nationwide lockdown. Continue Reading


America’s Child: America’s Influence on Liberia (Part II of II)

I am of the notion that times have changed and circumstances are different now than they were before – in the sense that Liberia’s social and economic disparity includes several other factors besides race. Cognizant of the perspective of Liberia’s history presented in this piece, I would say even our history books need to be rewritten, not only the Constitution – which was last amended in 1986 by a revolution that no longer fits our current socio-political context. 
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