Roundtable 2.0 - LGBTQ+ Equality & Acceptance in Liberian Communities

On June 20, 2020, Sleepless in Monrovia (SiM) held its second Roundtable Event. This was SiM’s first virtual event and it was on the topic “LGBTQ+ Equality & Acceptance in Liberian Communities,” It was an integral part of SiM’s yearly celebration of Pride Month. The panelists for a SiM Roundtable are: i.) an expert well versed in the topic at hand ii.) author(s) of SiM with a published piece on the topic, and iii.) representative(s) from SiM’s administration.  Continue Reading


The True Meaning and Intent of Feminism

Let’s start by making this abundantly clear: Feminism is more Pro-men than Anti-men as most men, and even some women, like to see it. It simply tells the world that: women deserve the same opportunities and chances that men do,… Continue Reading