Liberian Loving

You are carefully crafted because you are art— 

Look at your artistic stretch marks that form its own patterns through seasons as your body makes changes.

You are second to none; even your famous Liberian jollof can not be compared.

My Liberian girl, you are captivating; captivating enough to have the King of Pop sing of you— yes you, you are a world changer; Continue Reading


Dating Yourself

A friend of mine once asked me, “What do I do when she doesn’t have a certain characteristic or feature that I want in a girl?” My response was this: let’s assume what you want out of a person are attributes amounting to a rating of 5. Place those attributes in an order of importance. For example, he/she should be caring, a good communicator, independent or striving towards independence, attractive, open-minded. Now, ask yourself which of these attributes you can and can not coexist with. Continue Reading


Dating in Monrovia, Two Ladies’ Perspective

Now, Liberian men oh, we have a quick question for y’all, who told y’all that when you say “I love you” to a female, after knowing her for two goddamn seconds, she’ll somehow automatically just sleep with you? Okay, we understand, when you’re a kid and you don’t have a game yet, you say whatever you think you need to say to get into a girl’s pants. But when a grown-ass man comes with that line off the jump, it’s just baffling and off-putting. Continue Reading