Camera Roll

She woke up a few hours before dawn, head still pounding to the beat of an awfully unpleasant girl’s night out. She got too drunk and her husband had to pick her up, after promising him that he wouldn’t have to do that ever again. Now, he was still very much asleep next to her, his mouth partially hung open. I’m never letting Rebecca take me out again, she whispered while slowly sitting up in bed. Religiously, she scrolled through the various apps on her phone, Instagram, Facebook, etc. Today, she decided to scroll through the camera roll to try and piece together the foggy events of last night. She found ten pictures she didn’t remember taking. All, except for one, were of her in various sleeping positions. Some even exposed her thighs. The outlier was a close up of her husband’s neck.

She rubbed her eyes and looked again. They were still there. “Matt…Matt…MATT!,” she called out to her husband, now half asleep. “Did you take pictures of me last night?” Her husband denied her accusations and went back to sleep, urging her to do the same. Eventually, she did, laughing and assuming it was some cruel prank that she deserved.

Matt continued to deny ever taking any picture when he was very much awake, and now the joke was no longer funny. But it didn’t matter, she had a prank of her own. Setting up behind the bedroom door a video camera that she found in the attic, she was confident she’d be able to catch him in the act.

Just before sunrise, she tiptoed out of bed, careful not to wake her husband who was very much asleep. She unmounted the camera and looked through the night’s footage, hoping to catch Matt, like in one of those hidden cameras shows. You just got busted! She would have said. Instead, what she saw struck her to her core and left her unable to move. Sometime during the night, an all-black figure crawled from under the bed and stood there, staring at them. At first, like a statue, it held the same position for hours. Then it began to move around the bed, leaning in closer to scrutinize her shape, eventually taking her phone to take pictures. It let out an inaudible animated laugh and crawled back under the bed. Still, unable to move, she shivered in place, staring at the darkness under the bed it had crawled from. That was when she realized it never left. 

Authored By: Folecia Dagher

Featured Image By: Wattpad

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