The Problem with Women’s Access to Abortion in Liberia II

Statistics would show that 1 out of every 3 persons you know has had an abortion or has a close/best friend who has had an abortion. Yet, we demonize abortion as if it is some farfetched concept completely out of the scope of our understanding. Maybe even 2 out of every 4 lawmakers or religious figures you know have, at one point or the other, had or paid for an abortion for their wife, girlfriend, daugther or niece. Continue Reading


Domestic Violence, the New Cool?

But deep-rooted in all of these sad events, is the fact Bucky Raw deserves absolutely no sympathy for abusing his daughter’s mother. Domestic violence is a criminal offense and it should not be taken lightly simply because the perpetrator is a celebrity. People should not pass off domestic violence as a ‘mistake’ in order to avoid conversations surrounding the nature of the rapper’s choice. 
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