We rise for the better
Your hammer mold us
Your flames refined us
Like a chick under your wings
We are safer come whatever
Our days with you may be numbered
But your impact is carved in us forever
Each time these stairs we modestly walk
True and fair, welcoming all in love
Till the day we leave these walls
White and green not in shame
In Pursuit of Excellence words and deeds
Faith, Academic Excellence, Integrity, Stewardship, Diversity and Liberty retained
As you push to expand for the awaiting
Keeping the flame of hope in this land burning
A jewel in your corner
Lighting the world each second
A steward of the positive ones
Selflessly polishing our minds
To rise up like the sun
In the wake of uncertainties
Your faith has never faded
A model of African leadership
Each time, awakening our spirits
Nurturing us in every perspective