How can Men become Allies and Champions against Sexual Assault?

‘’If grabbing a lady’s buttocks or trying to steal a kiss without her consent has always been our ways of flirting or trying to satisfy our sexual lusts or desires, we must now realize that this is a problem, desist from such habits and now replace that with having a conversation with a lady that requires getting to know her at least, and then getting genuine consent’’. Continue Reading


The Issue with “Case Study” in Research Paper.

One major discussion we somehow have neglected to have or perhaps have not recognized as a problem, especially for senior students at universities who have “met the requirements to graduate,” is whether they have actually met all requirements to graduate. In universities across Liberia and the world, the last thing that qualifies a student for graduation is their ability to write and present your research paper before a panel so as to convince them that your research is founded in facts and reasonable inferences/conclusions. 
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A Tomorrow Not Promised – Is Life Overrated?

It’s funny how we plan in our minds to show love to people at some point like we have somehow seen our death certificates somewhere and therefore we are assured that we still have a lot of time to accomplish everything we plan. We underestimate what we do with our lives and overestimate the mere fact that we are breathing, not realizing a good life is measured by the quality and not how long it was. Continue Reading