
Happiness has different meanings to different people. For some people, it may refer to a mental condition, while for others, it may refer to a way of life. Everyone is an independent and free-thinking individual; everyone has a different view of life. Therefore, the concept of happiness is equally broad. Whatever the meaning of happiness, there is no doubt that it is an important part of our lives. Without it, life has no meaning.


“Money can’t buy happiness” is a popular saying. It can be considered effective. However, some people may think this is wrong. They feel that happiness is defined by the wealth of a particular class of society. These people often use wealth as a measure of their happiness in life. For them, happiness in life is defined by material wealth. They have accepted the fact that only money and wealth can make them happy.


For another part of society, wealth is not the means of happiness in their lives. These  people think that happiness is a peaceful feeling which occurs in a person’s mind. For them, it cannot be measured by worldly things. Happiness often becomes a feeling that can be captured more for the satisfaction of the soul than for the pleasure of the body. For some people, happiness also means success. Ambition, hard work and success often become a way for a person to achieve happiness in life. 


No matter how happy we are, it will change over time. No feeling is absolute. It is possible that the things we use to make ourselves comfortable in our childhood may no longer have the same meaning in our adult lives. This happens because our priorities and goals will change over time. As we grow older, our outlook on life and vision becomes more and more mature, and our happiness is no longer based on the things we once loved. 


Evidently, the state of happiness depends largely on what a person wants from life. It depends on one’s desires and goals in life. Most importantly, in most cases, enjoying your favorite things becomes the key to a happy life. Therefore, love and happiness are directly related. Without love, happiness will not last. Similarly, without happiness, love will not last. 


As mentioned earlier, all kinds of things make all kinds of people happy. There is no specific way to achieve happiness. People have many different ways to achieve happiness. All of these are valid, none of them are wrong. There is no point in judging people based on what they like and what they hate. We all have different priorities in life and not all goals  are similar. They may be different, but that does not mean they are wrong. Doing anything that makes a person happy from the inside out should be considered effective and legitimate. Happiness is a personal experience. That is the only way to properly define it.

Authored by: Saretta Praise Jackson

Featured Image by: Ben Rosett on Unsplash

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